
Andrew Linn

Andrew (he/him) is a graphic designer-turned-librarian. He curates the series High Brow/Low Brow/Unibrow to explore the connections between art, exploitation, and outsider films. He built the website Rags-to-Zines, a research guide for pre-internet underground publications. Linn is currently working toward a Masters in Library Science with an emphasis in archives from Emporia University. His research includes film critique, publishing, bookmaking, archiving, and history. He is a due paying member to the Association of Moving Image Archivists.



Cassandra (she/her) is a writer and archivist. She blogs about music and movies at and runs the Two Women on a Mission film series, showing films where women do stuff together like rob banks, talk, exact revenge, and fall in love. Cassandra helps coordinate the internationally acclaimed, prestigious Institute for Whoopi Goldberg Studies and the movie she has seen the most times is The Wedding Singer with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore.

David Alpert

David (he/him) is an artist and curator. His website is

Danielle Krakenberg

Danielle Krakenberg (she/her) enjoys any film that will rip your heart out (emotionally or physically). Danielle programs several films each month, including her bi-monthly series LADIES NIGHT.

Ladies Night aims to explore and redefine femininity in genre cinema by challenging preconceived notions of what’s expected of women in genre films. With film selections highlighting empowered, determined, passionate and psychotic women. These are not your usual “chick-flicks”… and that’s the point.

Ladies Night Film Series is now on instagram!


Matthew Lloyd

Matthew Lloyd (he/him) is a filmmaker, artist, and curator. He is both a cofounder of Stray Cat Film Center and the Cannonball Roarers. The resident AV technician at Stray Cat, Matthew is committed to making the movie going experience at our little theater as enthralling as possible. As a programmer, he champions films that challenge mainstream societal and cinematic expectations. He is a firm believer that Mechagodzilla is the superior kaiju monster. He curates The Nice Price & 16MM showcase every month @ Stray Cat.